Wendy McGrath

Wendy McGrath, a Métis poet, writer, and artist living in amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton), is the winner of the inaugural Prairie Grindstone Prize. McGrath’s writing embraces multiple genres. Her most recent publication, The Orange Scribbler (Jack Pine 2023), is a chapbook/artist’s book inspired by heirloom recipes. She has collaborated with visual artists and musicians, exploring the relationships between genres. Her latest collaboration, The Beauty of Vultures (forthcoming NeWest Press 2025), is a poetry collection inspired by and including the bird/wildlife photography of Danny Miles, drummer for the band July Talk.

McGrath has published four novels, two poetry collections, and two chapbooks/artist’s books which explore a range of forms and approaches. Broke City, the final book in her Santa Rosa Trilogy, continues her exploration of the prairie gothic. She is a board member of NeWest Press.


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