Laury Leite

Laury Leite (Mexico City, 1984), has published articles, essays, interviews, and chronicles in diverse literary magazines. His stories have appeared in several anthologies. In 2017 he published En la soledad de un cielo muerto (Ediciones Carena; La Pereza Ediciones), his first novel, translated into English under Night Has Fallen Here (Lazy Publisher, 2019) and into Italian Nella solitudine di un cielo morto, Musicaos Editore, 2021). La gran demencia, his second novel, written with support from the Toronto Arts Council was published in Spain in 2020 (Huso Editorial). Laury is an alumni of the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. At present he is writing El tiempo, el lugar y nosotros, his third novel, with support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Toronto Arts Council. He lives in Toronto, Canada.


Juan Gavasa


Bettina Pérez Martínez