Pierrette Requier

Pierrette Requier is an award-winning bilingual writer, a poet, a playwright, a workshop designer and facilitator, a mentor, and a translator. She served as the literary representative of RAFA (Regroupement artistique francophone de l’Alberta) and on the board of the Edmonton Poetry Festival as Programming Committee member, eventually creating liaisons between the French and English literary communities. She organized and hosted the first francophone Soirée poétique, French Twist, a poetry event that ran for nine years, which featured francophone talent from across Alberta. Pierrette’s contribution and dedication to the diverse Alberta literary community spans over two decades. As Edmonton’s sixth poet laureate (2015-2017), she not only acted as event organizer and as the host of bilingual and multilingual events and as mentor of performers, she also wrote and performed commissions for various occasions, two of which appear in permanent collections. She presented in schools (grades 2- 12), in universities, at various fundraisers, and at the invitation of various organizations such as Alberta’s Emerald Foundation. She has appeared at various literary festivals across Canada. In 2022, nominated by the Writers’ Guild of Alberta she was granted the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award for her bilingual work as poet, mentor, and literary community builder. 


Sana Mohsin


Catalina Morales Velez